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NLD screens 801.36К
291 Количество загрузок:
“Want to increase your signal strength if you are in a CE country? Or Enable Signal Boost to an even higher level? This page gets it done. Must be on compatible firmware. If your bird is not compatible, use NLD GO instead for FCC mode. NLD GO enables FCC mode by default. (all birds except for Air and M2)“
How to Use NLD 325.77К
1003 Количество загрузок:
“FCC / Signal Boost – FCC is a higher output for RC power than CE mode. You can change your RC to the higher output here. You must have a supported bird and be on compatible firmware.. Connect your bird and Enable FCC Mode to change from CE to FCC. Once changed, you can leave it, or if you want even more power, you can Enable Signal Boost, along with FCC mode for the highest power output possible. *CAUTION* This will run your RC at max power, creating quite a bit of heat on the RF chips. You risk burning out your RC by doing this, so enable the Signal Boost mode at your own risk. FCC mode is fully supported by the RC and will NOT overheat your RC at all. FCC mode has the possibility of increasing your distance for flying reception, but every flight area is different, but this change should help you with better reception. If you are already in a FCC country, (like the USA) you do not need to enable FCC mode. It is already on and determined by GPS location. If your bird is NOT COMPATIBLE, use the DJI GO 4 Patcher instead to enable FCC mode using the NLD GO APP.“.
Сообщение отредактировал kodimbo: 27 May 2019 - 11:22 AM