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Коллективная закупка Neat Video

Started by Spasov, 12 июня 2017 - 09:40

# Spasov

  • 1 583 сообщений

Posted 15 июня 2017 - 02:40

Написал им, что мы хотим купить 7 индивидуальных лицензий для разных платформ ( 5 для винды и 2 для macos) и спросил, возможно ли в таком случае получить скидку?

Ответ таков:

Hello Konstantin,

Thank you for the clarification.

Usually in such a situation, independent individuals purchase their own copies
of the products directly and independently of each other. This allows to keep the
accounts and licenses separate and not interfering with each other, which is important
when individual users need to upgrade their own licenses, cross-upgrade, etc.
That usually happens at different times and is best done independently of other people.

If one person needs two or more products, that person can purchase those products
together and in this way receive a personal discount for that purchase.

It is more complicated to organize a discount for such a group of independent purchases.
That would require collecting all end-user details in advance, then making all those individual
purchases, then correlating the lists of end-users and purchasers and only then arranging
some form of rebate for the purchasers. We could do that but that would require a lot of
extra work from all sides. I am not sure it would worth it for everyone involved.

Thank you,

Вмдимо придется покупать за 100 баксов лицензию или забить и снимать в 2.7К )))))
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