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С дроном в Турцию

Started by Alevpi, 01 июля 2017 - 08:40

# snarozhnyy

  • 1 сообщений

Posted 04 февраля 2021 - 11:36

Кому интересно. Может пригодиться.


На сайте https://iha.shgm.gov.tr/public/formlar лежит форма "FR-03" (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Importation Technical Conformity Application and Control Form) - для предварительной регистрации ввоза дронов [с массой более 500 гр] на территорию Турции.

Сама форма доступна по ссылке http://web.shgm.gov.tr/documents/sivilhavacilik/files/formlar/ucus_operasyon_dairesi/iha/kontrol/FR.03.docx - но в ней толком ничего не понятно.

Я написал в форму обратной связи с просьбой помочь. Вот что они ответили:



In Turkey for foreign UAV operations, according to "SHT-IHA Instructions" you must fulfill these instructions below;

1) UAV flight request in Turkish airspace by foreign operators/actuators/pilots must be sent to the General Directorate of Civil Aviation via diplomatic channels 20 weekdays before the first flight day by filling UAV Flight Permit Request Form (The form is located in the DGCA official website)
- Form Link: http://web.shgm.gov.tr/tr/formlar/3910-index (Hava Seyrüsefer Daire Başkanlığı = > UAV Flight Permission Request Form (FR.23)).
In addition, you can't register your UAV in Turkey because of you are not a Turkish citizen. Although you do not have a UAV registration number, you can fill in the application form (FR.23) by leaving the UAV registration number section blank.
2) Insurance is mandatory for the drone. Therefore, you have to insure your drone and the insurance documents must be sent to the General Directorate. To find out how much insurance amount your drone required please check the legislation in the link; https://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/eskiler/2017/07/20170727-2.htm
3) After receiving positive views from the civil and military institutions about the applications, these areas are to be announced with NOTAM to all airspace users. In case of receiving negative views from the institutions or from our General Directorate, flight is not permitted.
4) In case of getting the flight permission, it is compulsory to obey the provisions in Turkish AIP and other rules by operators/pilots/party.
5) A Turkish Republic citizen pilot who has at least IHA2 pilot license by our General Directorate supervises to all flights.
6) If the area to fly is in the special permit area (red area), risk analysis is required for any purpose.
If you bring your UAV which MTOW (maximum takeoff weight) is 500g or above in Turkey, customs may seize your drones and demand technical conformity form (FR.03) that can be taken from Directorate General of Civil Aviation. To receive technical confirmation form for your UAV, you must apply to Directorate General of Civil Aviation with application form FR.03 (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Importation Technical Conformity Application and Control Form).  The form can be found in Forms sections on main page in the DGCA official web site.
- Form Link: http://web.shgm.gov.tr/tr/formlar/3910-index (İHA Sistemleri Koordinatörlüğü/ Kontrol Formları = > Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Importation Technical Conformity Application and Control Form (FR.03)).
In addition to the flight permit form, the criminal records must be sent to our General Directorate.
If you bring your UAV which MTOW is below 500g, that kind of UAV is out of the scope of our national regulation and is not required any technical conformity. For this reason, the General Directorate has no responsibility for the entry of UAVs under 500g into the country from customs.
If you have more questions about technical confirmation form (FR.03) you can mail to "ihadestek@shgm.gov.tr" e-mail address.
Best Regards,
Cagla Yildizlar <cagla.yildizlar@shgm.gov.tr>

То есть процедура непростая и включает еще необходимость страховки. А полеты положено надзирать местному пилоту, у кого есть есть хотя бы лицензия IHA2. Плюс из рисков дрон могут конфисковать на таможне.

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