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Управление - пульты, приемники, антенны, усиление (Vision,Vision+)

Started by Poster1, 10 февраля 2014 - 11:27

# dauphine

  • 2 сообщений

Posted 09 февраля 2015 - 11:34

Вот нашел такую инструкцию. Похоже эти программы делают тоже самое. 


How to manually increase the txpower of PV2 for more range

icon_post_target.pngby isopro » Fri Jul 18, 2014 12:49 pm

Since the guys are slow to make an app for the PV2, I will share the results of my testings, so others can also test this(I was able to get over double FPV range using this software mod).
Using the info in this tutorial is at your own risks, rebooting the drone should fix any issue.
Please post results of your testing or any questions here.
To do this tutorial you MUST connect to internet via a cable(NOT WIFI) and use wifi to connect directly to the drone hidden ssid, also your INTERNET ip range must NOT BE in the range, or it will not work, also only 27 dBm work, other settings exp: 25, will not work and will set it to 3 dBm...

1: Connect Drone to Repeater(by turning both ON)
2: Connect your computer to Drone hidden Wifi ssid (not to repeater)
3: Connect to via SSH, username: root, password: 19881209, 
4: Disable uhttpd with command : /etc/init.d/uhttpd stop
5: enter command: echo downloads.openwrt.org >> /etc/hosts
6: enable forwarding via Putty options (might need to exit and reconnect on ssh using tunelling options in putty to get it to work)
On Windows via PuTTy:
Right click the title bar of the PuTTy Window
Click 'Change Settings'
Click the + beside 'SSH' under 'Connection' (to expand the SSH section)
Click 'Tunnels'
Select 'Remote' in the lower right section of the Dialog
For 'Source port', enter '80'
For 'Destination', enter 'downloads.openwrt.org:80'
Click 'Add'
Click 'Apply'
7: Enter command: opkg update
8: Enter command: opkg install wireless-tools (this will install iwconfig to check txpower level)
9: Enter command: vi /etc/config/wireless ''to remove all useless DOS characters and extra lines and save the file after, (check a tutorial on how to use vi txt editor for more info) if you don't fix that file the UCI commands will give you an error and will not work''....
10: Enter command: uci set wireless.radio0.country=BO(or US if BO was used the last time, because if you don't change locale at same time as you apply txpower the txpower hack will not apply properly)
11: Enter command: uci set wireless.radio0.txpower=27
12: Enter command: uci commit wireless; wifi
13: Enter command: iwconfig to check if it worked

This is to change the txpower of the Drone, to change the txpower of the reapeater you must connect to the webUI of repeater because the UCI commands don't seem to work on the repeater, the ip is using a web browser same password, just change the locale and txpower using the UI and save& apply after, you will beable to see the result directly on the webui, Also the txpower results for the drone are not accurate on the extender webui, you must use iwconfig from an ssh shell connected to the drone to get accurate txpower info of the drone...
Thank you for reporting results of your testing here.

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