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Обсуждение (Maviс Pro)

Started by Poster1, 27 сентября 2016 - 09:48

# dispetcherz

  • 18 сообщений

Posted 20 сентября 2017 - 11:35

01.04.0000 кто нибудь уже поставил и летал?


Вот что пишут люди на англоязычном форуме, есть странные особенности, кому интересно вбейте в гугл переводчик.

Okay, I've noticed some really weird happenings after upgrading to this firmware.

First of all, previous firmware version 01.03.1000 was rock solid for me (albeit only had the Mavic a week). Upgrading to DJI Go 4 v4.1.10 also went smoothly, and everything worked well (except QuickShot auto-record). Really didn't have a single issue at all.

However, after upgrading firmware of both the RC and the Mavic to V 01.04.0000, I've noticed a couple of strange things:

- Initially had to reset EXP/Yaw/etc settings after upgrading the firmware. The RC kept losing connection to the Mavic, and not saving the settings. Took 3 or 4 attempts, but then they took, and has held.
- The gimbal told me it was overloaded once. The guard had been removed/wasn't on, nothing was blocking the gimbal. Power off and on again, and it worked fine. Hasn't happened again.
- Turning on the Mavic is randomly sometimes changing the video recording settings to Auto instead of Manual. Doesn't happen everytime, but never happened with the previous firmware version. It isn't consistent, and there seems to be no pattern as to when it does it so I can't replicate it on demand.


И еще на этом форуме у человека стоит прошивка 01.03.0400, теперь не может обновить дрон на V 01.04.0000, а пульт прошился. Так что делаем выводы...

MAVIC 01.03.0400
RC 01.04.0000
Mavic refuses to upgrade (tried app and pc) and RC is impossible to downgrade.
Versions doesnt match and now i cant take off.

Edited by dispetcherz, 20 сентября 2017 - 11:45 .

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